What Is Happening with Our Nepalese Youths?

✍Pancha Vismrit

Suppressed Narratives upsuring against hegemony

A man masturbated on a public bus and ejaculated it on a woman’s hair, who was sitting in front of him. The man himself video shot the whole scene and the video came up to be posted online. The woman in front did not even realize what was being done behind her. The bus was empty and the man got in it, just as the woman got it.

Masturbuse, a term that Nepalese women have come up after recent criminal activities in where a man masturbates on a woman in public vehicles is growing up. To masturbuse means to conduct a sexual abuse through masturbation.

Looking at the front door and the seat structure of the certain parts of bus visible in the video, it has been assumed the bus is of the Dalu-Lagankhyo(Lagankhel) route. This criminal activity being shot by the criminal himself and posting online, is not the first time. Such videos of masturbusing gets spread online quite often.

Nepalese women are calling #StopMasturbusing! They have highlighted that amongst certain youth group ‘masturbusing’ has been taken as something to be glorified, ‘a daring attempt’, or ‘something very fun’. The campaigns are taking social media platforms.

Malvika Subba shares It:
Is this for real? Men taking videos of themselves masturbating in public and posting them as glory. I have not seen the video itself but the story seems to be circulating. There is no main stream news of this incident and the report of the aftermath later. We need to make public transportation safer and teach girls to fight. Boils me to read about such incidents.

Pancha Vismrit comments on it:
I am sorry to say it but women do it too.

Asha Khadka Reacts to it: 
Pancha Vismrit, of course women do it too. But I hope you read the post carefully and understood the nature and gravity of the situation. If not then listen:

There were men/boys who masturbated publicly and ejaculated on a woman in a public bus. If this doesn't sound wrong to you or if it looks normal to you; just like the casual nature of your comment then listen; this act may have led to other forms of mental and sexual violence. This act is just shameful. And utterly humiliating. This act is the mentality of the men/boys who think they can do anything anywhere because they belong to the powerful gender!!

So consider all of these factors before you go and point out '"women do it too".

Pancha Vismrit's reply to Asha Khadka: 
Wow! I am really impressed by the way you perceived the incident that someone masturbated in public and ejaculated on a woman's hair in a public bus. Normally, I don't believe in the internet stuffs that much, but I really believed in your strong belief about women maybe not only in our society but around the world.

Yes, I read the whole article. I read it but before believing it I wanted to verify the information if it is correct, coming from reliable source and even if it is worth talking about. Obviously, the article is not specific. Hence, one should study more before talking about it. I hope you agree with it. If not then you might have some more information about it. Why don't you share with me?

Yes, "this act may have led to other forms of mental and sexual violence." I completely agree with you. But think for a moment, why would he shoot a video of himself and post online? Is he completely unaware of any moral principles having been born in Nepal? Or is he unaware of any laws, sexual violence? I don't think so.

What I am trying to point out is that this world; which is I think your world, your generation's world, I am from the older generation; is full of perverts. And perverts have no gender. They enjoy what seems to be unacceptable in our society. And you know what? The perverts have now billion dollar industry, which is called porn industry. Porn industry is led by both men and women. The society around the world is based on double standards. What you think is wrong may be right for others. This industry is behind any sexual violence, rape and murder, and the acts like masturbating in public and ejaculating on a woman's hair in a public bus. These people get inspired by that industry, and sadly we are the consumers. How? The government should ban porn sites, is it banning? Yes, but no government on earth seems to be able to ban them a hundred percent. Not even Saudi Arabia.

Now I come to the comment that victimizes women, which is partially explained already. Yes, I said women do it too. When I say it I don't mean biological need. What I am referring to is 'mutual consent'. I have seen a lot different and unexpected faces of men and women on this planet. I have seen both men and women perverts. The world is full of dramatists too. One may fail to identify the real identity of a dramatist. And behind the every drama there might be either politics or money (business) or mental illness.

If the incident really took place then it is sad. It is a crime. It is a sexual violence. That person must be punished.


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